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Our Training
We provide both Statutory and Mandatory training, as well as Bespoke training to prepare our staff for the role. We also provide behaviour management training, and you can find out more about each of these kinds of training below.
Statutory Training
Our statutory training course covers a wide range of aspects, from general Health and Safety to Equality and Diversity. We also train our staff in the areas of basic life support, manual handling and of course the safeguarding of vulnerable people, so that they are truly prepared for any care situation in which they find themselves.
Mandatory Training
Some aspects of our mandatory training go beyond the minimum legal requirements covered by the statutory training. We have a in-house Dols Assessor and trainer who provides staff extra training in DOLs and Mental Capacity Act and Assessments
Bespoke Training
Our bespoke training is tailored at meeting the identified and unique needs of each service user. Each service user is unique and at Havilah, we are open to learning because we know that learning is a lifelong process. Our bespoke training will continue to evolve in order to meet the changing needs of our service users and the developing research.
Behaviour Management Training
Our approach to supporting people with autism.
Our training and support approaches embed individual pathways by tailoring support to each person and responding to how their autism affects them. We use recognised tools and approaches to ensure that people with autism receive consistent, high-quality, and individual support.
We use the SPELL framework as the basis for how we support people with autism.
SPELL stands for:
- Structure: providing consistency and routines, so that people know what is going to happen.
- Positive: encouraging people to develop skills and achieve goals
- Empathy: trying to see the world through the eyes of people we support, understanding what motivates, interests and upsets them.
- Low arousal: using approaches and creating environments that reduce anxiety and help concentration.
- Links: working with families, health professionals and others to ensure consistent support.
Challenging Behaviour
Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
Some of the people we support can exhibit challenging behaviours to themselves, others or destroy property.
At Havilah, we see these behaviours as a form of communication. Through their behaviour, we believe that in most cases, the person is communicating that their needs are not being met. It is therefore the task of the team supporting that person to work out what they are communicating through their behaviour.
To address behaviours that challenge, we use the POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR SUPPORT (PBS) model whose aim is to recognise and understand the ‘message’ behind the behaviour and henceforth develop a plan of working that eradicates or manages the behavioural triggers as early as possible, to prevent the behaviour from escalating and avoid as much as possible the need for adverse and restrictive practices.
At Havilah, our central goal when dealing with challenging behaviour is to:
- reduce the occurrence of challenging behaviour,
- increase the individual’s use of functional skills to meet their needs, and
- improve the quality of life of the individual and the people around them.
All our staff are trained in the Positive Behaviour Support Model. The model enhances their understanding of the ‘message’ the person the service user is trying to communicate through their behaviour. It enables them to work effectively with the Positive Behaviour Plan for service user which clearly lays out the strategies that work well to meet the behavioural needs of the service user and reduce their frustration and anxiety.
At Havilah, our focus is to do all that we can to support our service users to manage their behaviour. That is why we always where possible involve the family and friends and those who know the service user well in the support planning processes to ensure that we get it right.
The core values that underpin our work is that every person with a Learning Disability or Autism has the right to an ordinary life within his or her community and to be treated as an individual. For most people, this means being a valued member of the community, having a range of meaningful relationships, making choices, developing skills and abilities, and being treated by others with dignity and respect. We believe that challenging behaviour should not be a barrier to community participation and integration.
If you would like to know more about our training process, or are interested in joining the team, please feel free to get in touch with us via the details on our Contact Page.