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Who We Are
Havilah Care Ltd is a Specialist Supported Living care provider for adults between the age of 18 to 65 with Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Mental Health conditions and other associated complex needs. Havilah Care provides services to people living in Milton Keynes and Bedfordshire.
At Havilah Care, we have a strong belief in our values of empowerment. We endeavour to promote the rights of our service users and help them to build on their existing strengths by enabling them to maximise on their potential and enjoy life to the fullest.
We believe in person centred care and support which is geared at meeting service users’ unique needs and where their full participation is considered. Havilah Care will ensure that service users voice is heard, and where needed work with advocates and relatives to promote service users’ best interests.
At Havilah Care, the safety and wellbeing of our service users is paramount. We uphold our safeguarding duty highly by ensuring that our systems and policies are robust enough.
Havilah Care works within the principles of professionalism, transparency, independence, and trust in all our endeavours. All aspects of our work with service users and other stakeholders are clearly defined within our contractual agreements.
Havilah Care understands the challenges and needs of our client group including those relating to behavioural and communication needs. Havilah Care has an in-house PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) trainer, and all our staff will have a foundation training in PBS as part of their induction process. In addition, our service users whose have behavioural needs will be offered a PBS plan where this can work for them.
We also use SPELL framework to support service users who are on the autistic spectrum. The SPELL framework is an individualised and person-centred approach that centres around 5 key elements:
- Structure
- Positive approach
- Empathy
- Low arousal, and Links.
Know More About our service.
Our Client Group
- Adults over the age of 18-65 years and have additional needs due to:
- Learning Disabilities/Autistic Spectrum Disorder
- Mental Health
- Physical Disability
- Sensory Impairment
The type of service offered by Havilah Care.
- Domiciliary Care Services
- Supported Living Services
The systems we have put in place to help us manage the care and support of our service users effectively.
- A person-centred needs assessment
- A personalised outcome-based care plan
- Positive risk management assessments and plans
- A PBS Plan
- Medication risk assessment
- Periodic reviews of the support plans and risk assessment or as when needed.
- Quality Assurance Audits